Dr Tomasz Klimek, LL.M., the Head of our Network, as Attorney-at-Law specializes in legal services for national and international companies operating in Austria, Liechtenstein and Poland.
Dr Klimek is the only Polish speaking Attorney-at-Law in Liechtenstein and operates as Certified Translator for Polish and German as well.
Dr Tomasz Klimek´s, LL.M. professional experience is lasting for many years and is backed by practical knowledge and engagement as Polish Lawyer in Austrian Courts and Law Firms, as well as the Trade and Investment Promotion Department of the Polish Embassy in Vienna/Austria.
Currently, we are the only Polish speaking Law Firm Network operating in the regions mentioned above. We are being engaged by Corporate and Private Clients as well, representing their interests in Courts, Administrative Bodies and other Authorities.
The terms and conditions of cooperation with our Clients are clear and transparent.
Our Legal Services and the interests of our Clients at the same are insured with the following Prime Insurance Companies: UNIQA, D.A.S., ARAG, Wiener Städtische Versicherung, Generali, Zürich Versicherung and Allianz.
With regard to Austria and the Principality of Liechtenstein and in order to provide the best Service to our Clients we cooperate with a wide range of sound Partners: Public Notaries, Trusts, Tax Advisors, Real Estate Agents, Insurance Brokers. Additionally, we offer services in the area of General and HR Accounting Services. Below, You can find a link to the scope of services and offers of our Partner in the area of Accounting: